v0.0.5 release

Couple things off rip in the morning here

  1. I expanded the height and width of the viewport by 25% each to give the player a little more run. More space means it's less packed with projectiles, should make the game slightly easier. This is phase one of the Camera Patch, hopefully coming later today.
  2. I added health pickups. When you destroy an enemy, there is a 10% chance that it drops a health pickup. If you touch it before it disappears, you heal 10hp. These numbers can and likely will change.
  3. I set the life cycle of both health and coin pickups to 8 seconds. They're on screen for 8 seconds and then they disappear. Coins used to be 10 seconds, so this is a reduction. My reasoning here is that with a larger screen I want more incentive for the player to move around.


bb.zip Play in browser
Jun 06, 2024

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